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Porn Users Forum » Forgive me Father for I have sinned .....again
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05-11-14  11:29am - 3676 days Original Post - #1
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Forgive me Father for I have sinned .....again

It's Sunday, a perfect day to talk about religion.
And I have to say, having it force-fed to me starting
in my pre-teens, until I untied myself from my mom's
apron strings, did I solidly conclude I'm capable of arguing on the subject with the best of them.
That would include, but not limited to Theology graduates
from all the various established denominations as we know it.

Before I expand on the thread's title, which obviously has
to do with confused young men, especially Catholic boys
who were in a perpetual struggle going up against Nature's
calling, and the dire warnings of dreadful consequences
should they (boys) succumb to the urging temptations of
(God-forbid) MASTUBATION.

If treading on theological shortcomings instill the fear of going to Hell (that would be the literal one mentioned in the Bible) then please leave the room!

I often wonder if, among all the allowables granted to
Priests, that solely the hearing of confessions is primary
as their,,, eh, --- lets say .....well, doggone... I'm calling a spade a spade by coming right out with it ....."compensation" pure and simple.
I gather they get to hear all the juicy details ....with no punches pulled.

My upbringing, being of the protestant faith, exhorted adherence to the old-time religion ....espousing Christian dogma which, among other things, drove home the concept of a molten hot inferno awaiting we young lads who just couldn't keep our hands off our peckers.

It wasn't until after I spent a stint in the US Army Airborne did I finally choose to challenge my Bible-thumping, arm-waving, saliva-spitting, pulpit-shaking, foot-stumping, over-zealous, prognosticators of doom, who, given authority to act the role of pastor, thereby passing on to us supposedly the true word of God, which, in my case, only succeeded in scaring the hell out'a me.

It was later, which mercifully occurred to me that it had to be only natural to just surrender to this natural instinct that was so inherent in we, our (males) sexual calling. (in street-layman language >>>> "jerking off.>

More Importantly, I ponder the question of why would our creator embed such a force to satiate something so powerfully inherent in our functionality -- only to make it a sin to give-in to it.

I'd naturally be interested to have you, our loyal friends here at PU, to share your experience coming up from adolescence ....particularly had it followed a similar course of "would I", "should I," "or could I, .... in dealing with possible adversary of this nature growing up.

05-12-14  07:14pm - 3674 days #2
messmer (0)
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I grew up in a predominantly Roman Catholic area of Germany and still remember one travelling Friar who had made it his vocation to preach in the Market Square about the evils of masturbation and its inevitable road to physical and spiritual ruin!

One good thing about Mother Church's desire to keep the flock pure was a bulletin board, also in the same square, giving a run down on the movies currently playing in local theatres and the moral damage they might do to the parishioners. Those marked "forbidden" usually drew the biggest crowds and were an invaluable guide to teenage males.

05-12-14  08:43pm - 3674 days #3
turboshaft (0)
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Registered: Apr 01, '08
Originally Posted by graymane:

It wasn't until after I spent a stint in the US Army Airborne did I finally choose to challenge my Bible-thumping, arm-waving, saliva-spitting, pulpit-shaking, foot-stumping, over-zealous, prognosticators of doom, who, given authority to act the role of pastor, thereby passing on to us supposedly the true word of God, which, in my case, only succeeded in scaring the hell out'a me.

In all fairness, masturbation can occasionally involve "arm-waving, saliva-spitting" and even be "overzealous" at times--I even have a number of videos where there are women are doing just that. Though I would not call such things religious, watching a pretty girl pleasure herself almost makes me believe in a higher power!

I was not raised particularly religious myself--my family eventually evolved to the biannual Easter-Christmas schedule to keep up appearances--and I stopped going entirely sometime around the age of twelve or thirteen, which I'm sure my parents soon realized was more than just a phase. And we were Episcopalian at that; the one American church liberal enough to drive some to Catholicism.

So I certainly can't give much insight as to why jerkin' the gherkin or tossin' the taco is so frowned upon in religion. Is it really equal to or even worse than all the other shit that religions forbid? Sex before/outside of marriage; gay anything; "immodest" dress; dancing; alcohol; basically anything even remotely fun? If anything it might distract parishioners from doing some of the other things on the forbidden list (at least for a few minutes).

Seriously, beyond ruining a good hand towel, how is a little private time to yourself with nothing but your imagination and your genitals harmful? It's like your own one-person private confessional to think about your crazy fantasies and then clear your mind, and if that isn't allowed then religion truly is about policing thought crimes. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove Edited on May 12, 2014, 08:49pm (turboshaft: Fixed link.)

05-13-14  01:12am - 3674 days #4
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Thank you turbo, and especially twofold to our infrequent Canadian visitor, (messmer) whose earlier posts .....like those from Turbo, Pat, Drooler , wittyguy and, sadly, those PU oldies who's now hopefully only temporarily missing, that greeted me and had the greater influence on my attachment to, and growing enthusiasm for staying with this crowd.

Believe it or not, I sometimes cast whatever is on my mind at the time; anywhere I trust will make waves...divided among the forum, polls, and especially to what few reviews I've done .... A Lot of which I've happily had the good fortune to see score rather handsomely with various readers, who reciprocate generously with the kind of positive approval that mellows the spirit. Edited on May 13, 2014, 01:17am

05-13-14  07:21am - 3674 days #5
turboshaft (0)
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Posts: 1,958
Registered: Apr 01, '08
Thanks, graymane. Your threads are much appreciated here, especially for their entertainment value.

If you've even read just a few of my past posts then having to say anything further about how I view faith and religion is just redundant at this point, but I am very opinionated and make no apologies for that.

On the subject of Catholicism, I found this recent Washington Post article the other day about Pope Francis...and an exorcism conference being held at the Vatican. Yes, the one Time called "The People's Pope" and named their Person of the Year for 2013. And no, I'm not joking; an exorcism conference.

Greatest quote from that article for my money:

Originally Posted by Washington Post:

During the conference, the Rev. Cesar Truqui, an exorcist based in Switzerland, recounted one experience he had aboard a Swissair flight. "Two lesbians," he said, had sat behind him on the plane. Soon afterward, he said, he felt Satan's presence. As he silently sought to repel the evil spirit through prayer, one of the women, he said, began growling demonically and threw chocolates at his head.

Asked how he knew the woman was possessed, he said that "once you hear a Satanic growl, you never forget it. It's like smelling Margherita pizza for the first time. It's something you never forget."

Something that sounds like the start of a girl-girl porn scene and he thinks it's "Satan's presence." If only I had been present to have a lesbian growl at me. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove Edited on May 13, 2014, 07:25am

05-13-14  11:25am - 3674 days #7
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by turboshaft:

Thanks, graymane. Your threads are much appreciated here, especially for their entertainment value.

If you've even read just a few of my past posts then having to say anything further about how I view faith and religion is just redundant at this point, but I am very opinionated and make no apologies for that.

Greatest quote from that article for my money:
Something that sounds like the start of a girl-girl porn scene and he thinks it's "Satan's presence." If only I had been present to have a lesbian growl at me.

(turbo) >> Thanks, graymane. Your threads are much appreciated here, especially for their entertainment value.

And I hasten to say:
be assured, sir ... for as long as I know what I write is appreciated ....and would bring on the kind of response you've just so kindly posted, then I'll continue to do my best to keep my stuff entertaining.

Turbo >>> "I am very opinionated and make no apologies for that.

And the praiseworthy fruit from that, sir, including great, thought-provoking links that you bring to this forum, shine like a mid-day sun .
Call all this the likes of a mutual admiration society if you will ....., And I say: "yeah, but where would we be without this kinship?"

Which reminds me .....Where is Pat? We certainly can't afford to lose this guy!

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