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Porn Users Forum » How do you view your photo collection?
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08-25-12  03:42am - 4300 days Original Post - #1
elephant (0)
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How do you view your photo collection?

I have for a while just simply viewing photos on a normal windows default image browser and it really was boring me out so I went to find an alternative and got the Google Picaso photo viewer. Wow what a transformation, it is great in slideshow mode and makes most images be actual full screen glory with it moving around them in transition between them. I have a collection of my fav girls in random photos and mixed with beautiful fashion photography. I have never been much of a photos guy for a lot of years in porn sites, love fashion photography though but seeing the mixtures and randomness of them in Picasa is truly a sight to see. I totally recommend it, or maybe you have you own choice even better than Picasa, I would be interesting to hear what other people view their photos on. "Women are like tricks by sleight of hand, Which, to admire, we should not understand." WILLIAM CONGREVE

08-25-12  05:10am - 4300 days #2
marcdc1 (0)
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I usually use the build in tools for Mac OS X. There's a slideshow, scrolling full screen, contact sheet. It's not as full featured, but it's quick and easy.

BYW I've never given much thought to to this. You may change my habits.

08-25-12  05:39am - 4300 days #3
Claypaws (0)
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I use ACDSee. The best version was 5.0, which can still be downloaded from oldversion.com though you would need a current license to use it. The later versions are good too but that one was a classic, with slide shows saved as easily editable txt files. IMO, by far the best free alternative is XnView, which uses a very similar layout and feature set and also has txt format slide shows.

08-25-12  06:55am - 4300 days #4
otoh (0)
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Originally Posted by marcdc1:

I usually use the build in tools for Mac OS X. There's a slideshow, scrolling full screen, contact sheet. It's not as full featured, but it's quick and easy.

Concur - select all pics, alt-space for instant full-screen slideshow. So quick and easy. It's just missing the ability to zoom and pan for the higher-res pics; I've tried alternative apps for it, but I keep going back to just the finder since it's so easy!

08-25-12  07:00am - 4300 days #5
Capn (0)
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Another vote for ACDSee.

I have been using it for many years.

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08-25-12  09:55am - 4300 days #6
lk2fireone (0)
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I've used IrfanView for years.

It's a free program, simple to use.

But maybe I will check out some of these other free programs.

08-25-12  11:48am - 4300 days #7
Denner (0)
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Been trying most available from the net....and still keep to ACDSee - paid the due a long time ago and never regretted it - never found any better.... "I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle"

08-25-12  04:35pm - 4299 days #8
jberryl69 (0)
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One at a time? If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

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09-07-12  11:52am - 4287 days #9
TeenYum (0)
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I realize this thread is a bit old - but it's right up my alley! It's something I've spent endless but rewarding hours on. I have quite a collection, all parked in iPhoto. In building galleries, I like to mix hardcore shots with softer, girl-next-door shots. I like the context and comparison - and so do a lot of my friends who've seen my galleries. My latest kick is building a gallery and making a slide show, set to music (easy as pie with iPhoto). The response to this has been just bonkers - among both males and females. So, I've got about 10 different hardcore-softcore 'image mixes' set to familiar hard rock songs.

09-08-12  08:30am - 4286 days #10
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by TeenYum:

I realize this thread is a bit old - but it's right up my alley! It's something I've spent endless but rewarding hours on. I have quite a collection, all parked in iPhoto. In building galleries, I like to mix hardcore shots with softer, girl-next-door shots. I like the context and comparison - and so do a lot of my friends who've seen my galleries. My latest kick is building a gallery and making a slide show, set to music (easy as pie with iPhoto). The response to this has been just bonkers - among both males and females. So, I've got about 10 different hardcore-softcore 'image mixes' set to familiar hard rock songs.

I am still on the fence on this stuff, I have about every photosoftware mentions and none seems to quite do what I need Since 2007

09-08-12  05:35pm - 4285 days #11
TeenYum (0)
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By the way, I 'mis-spoke' myself: I now realize this thread is not old at all - chalk it up to my general clumsiness and inexperience on the board.

09-09-12  03:47am - 4285 days #12
Capn (0)
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Zoner isn't bad, but lacks the ability to view jpgs in zips.

The nice thing about it is you can have two folders open in the same window.

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09-10-12  07:54am - 4284 days #13
Triple5 (0)
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Hello everyone!!

Like some of the users here, I use Irfanview, simply because it's freeware. You can donate to support the developer if you like the program.

09-10-12  10:08pm - 4283 days #14
oldfizzywig (0)
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I, too, like Infranview.
Use the space bar to advance to next phone (when viewing one handed).
Batch features and some editing.

09-11-12  11:25am - 4283 days #15
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by oldfizzywig:

I, too, like Infranview.
Use the space bar to advance to next phone (when viewing one handed).
Batch features and some editing.

I think perhaps I should take a new look at Adobe and Acdsee, as many seem to think it works good. I will take another look and report back. Since 2007

10-31-12  11:53am - 4233 days #16
Cybertoad (0)
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I have been using a program called Multicasa works well for sorting picassa's databases.
No problems so far with it over the last month. Since 2007

10-31-12  07:43pm - 4232 days #17
tetros (0)
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11-01-12  02:10am - 4232 days #18
tangub (0)
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After installing my new Windows 7 pc the other week I took an immediate dislike to Windows built in photo viewer so remembering this thread I came back here to check out what you guys were recommending. I downloaded both Irfanview and Xnview and tried them both out and I have to say I much preferred Xnview and use it all the time now.

11-04-12  08:34am - 4229 days #19
alexbrawn (0)
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i use windows photo viewer and open multiple windows of different photos to fill up my screen with many images. I then resize the viewer to accommodate my little collage i just made and then do my business. wonder if there is a program that can do this easier for me

11-04-12  09:07am - 4229 days #20
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by alexbrawn:

i use windows photo viewer and open multiple windows of different photos to fill up my screen with many images. I then resize the viewer to accommodate my little collage i just made and then do my business. wonder if there is a program that can do this easier for me

Picassa is about the easiest and quickest collage maker. I think you can even add music to it. For something like a slideshow or collage Picassa is easy and free and near as simple as it can get. There are others out there but something simple and easy and free thats gotta be it. Since 2007

11-06-12  03:02pm - 4226 days #21
t9chome (0)
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I switched from ACDSee to Xnview at around ver 6. It started getting w-a-y too bloated and nothing new I needed. Xnview does all I need and more for free. Well, maybe I should contribute.

11-06-12  03:26pm - 4226 days #22
Cybertoad (0)
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Everyone seems to rave about Xnview
perhaps I should try can not say that I really have for sometime. Since 2007

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