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N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

Let me just explain that I put "other" and my fear needs a bit of explaining. I don't like to watch ghost hunting shows or horror movies with ghosts, but not so much because I really fear seeing a ghost.

It's more that those kinds of things make my imagination run wild and put my nerves on edge so I start to get really paranoid. I am actually scared of being scared. I worry that at some point when I am in my heightened fear state that something as mundane as hearing someone knock on my neighbor's door or drop something on the floor above me will make me jump through the ceiling or even have a heart attack.

Of course, I still watch those kinds of shows and movies, because there is a part of me that likes to be a little bit scared. However, I do tend to only do it during the day when I am feeling wide awake and less likely to let my imagination run away from me.

02-05-16  07:52am

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

Oh, I said 20+, but I didn't think of that meaning all the way through necessarily. It totally depends on the porn, but I'll admit that often I skip through a lot and focus mostly on the juicy bits. One exception for me though is parody porn. You add a bit of comedy to the hardcore and I will for sure pay much closer attention to the dialogue and storyline.

01-07-16  09:08am

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