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10-20-09  07:54pm - 5339 days Original Post - #1
WeeWillyWinky (0)
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Music in video

If there has been a thread on this already, will a mod please delete this one?

Okay, I just joined a site (Busty Ones) which is excellent in every regard, but so far every vid I've downloaded contains a music track. I am reluctant to actually use the word music, since it is basically modern elevator music.

In the vids I've seen, of two of my favorite models, you can't hear anything but the music. These are just strip-tease vids so far, glam stuff. As I said in my comment at Busty Ones, here's the way I see it:

We have five senses which enable us to experience the outside world and others. Video, as it is, can only give us access to a beautiful woman via two of these senses: vision and hearing. What possible sense does it make to cut this already limited access in half by not allowing us to hear the sounds the model is making? Being able to see AND hear the girl, the sounds in the room, the rustle of her clothes, her breathing, her voice, even her feet on the floor, all add to the experience of being in her presence and bring a sense of intimacy.

Music destroys this intimacy, in my opinion. Bear in mind, I'm not talking about hardcore, or even masturbation vids. I'm talking about solo strip/tease content. Oh for more sites like In The Crack where you don't have any mind-numbing tecnho-synth-noodling acting as a barrier between you and the model. You know what I hate the most about selfish people? It's that they don't think enough about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

10-20-09  08:09pm - 5339 days #2
RagingBuddhist (0)
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I doubt you're alone in your thoughts here. I felt the same way when I joined D Attic, the archives site for D Archives (also known as Dionysian Archives). As it's strictly amateurs, I liked the site enough. But the midi files they play instead of live sound absolutely suck. It's bad enough that I know I'll never join the site again again. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

10-20-09  09:14pm - 5339 days #3
jd1961 (0)
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You'll hate me, but with this type of video, I prefer the music. Invariably, the cameraman will talk and say something stupid like "show us your tits".

Hey, sometimes if I'm not busy, I add my own music.

10-20-09  09:17pm - 5339 days #4
jd1961 (0)
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Originally Posted by RagingBuddhist:

I doubt you're alone in your thoughts here. I felt the same way when I joined D Attic, the archives site for D Archives (also known as Dionysian Archives). As it's strictly amateurs, I liked the site enough. But the midi files they play instead of live sound absolutely suck. It's bad enough that I know I'll never join the site again again.

Looks like you put those sites out of business because they don't exist!

10-20-09  09:47pm - 5338 days #5
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by jd1961:

Looks like you put those sites out of business because they don't exist!

I wish I could take credit for their demise. :laugh: But I'm reasonably sure it was the music - and, of course, the hideous and way outdated token system they had.

And I don't think anyone will hate you for liking music over live sound. We'll think you're wrong - but we won't hate you. :bigger laugh: Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

10-21-09  06:40am - 5338 days #6
Denner (0)
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jd1961 got a point - SOME videos at some sites do better with mucis or muzak in the background.
There are too many sites now where the soundtracks (talk, talk, talk, talk, ect.) is just too much - so better music than that.. or:
And oh yes, got a little thing here where I use/copy some speciel earlier downloaded sound to certain videos. "I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle"

10-21-09  03:34pm - 5338 days #7
Jeffrey99 (0)
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I still think I'd prefer to hear a non stop dumbass cameraman then to to hear crappy music.LOL Maybe if they gave us the option to put our own music in, LOL. Atlest with no music at all, you can hear the girl or the sounds of the shoot. With nothing but music it feels to me like your watching highlight video a amateur put together in the 90's.

10-21-09  06:01pm - 5338 days #8
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by jd1961:

You'll hate me, but with this type of video, I prefer the music. Invariably, the cameraman will talk and say something stupid like "show us your tits".

I suspect that the reason for the music is exactly because if we were to listen to what's happening during the shoot then we would hear the idiot(s) talking all the time.

In this case then the music is to hide that. It may be the selection and level of the music that kills the mood.

It's almost guaranteed to kill my mood if there is music during a sex scene. Not because of it as much as the level and the type being used. Long live the Brown Coats.

10-21-09  06:53pm - 5338 days #9
GCode (0)
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Music in videos sucks! But, there a two ways they do it that I don't mind:

#1: There is a solo scene with stripping with music going during the strip. Once, the masturbation commences, the music turns off and you can hear the MODEL. Yes, just the model with no stinkin' camera man talking.

#2: Music plays during masturbation but is low enough and with the soundtrack of the actual masturbation scene playing with it loud enough to hear the model talking/moans/groans/etc. If a site can pull this off, I'm okay with it to an extent. It's not what I prefer, but it can be done right.

I do know that many watch videos without sound to begin with, so I bet music is not a bother at all.

My 2 cents.. Sexted From My iPad

10-21-09  11:05pm - 5337 days #10
WeeWillyWinky (0)
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I do agree that the cameraman talking is always an annoyance, and never contributes to the scene, unless it be a short interview session. Key word: short. In a well-done video, the viewer should forget there is a person behind the camera, or that there even *is* a camera. There are things that cameramen do that, in my opinion, purposely draw notice to themselves and drag attention away from the model, the most annoying thing being turning the camera angle topsy-turvy every other second, giving you a constant array of dizzying diagonal views (sorry for all those "ings").

I have several vids from several different sources wherein the view of the model is exactly sideways for long periods of time. This is stupid self-indulgence on the part of the camera-man: "Look how cutting-edge I am! Of course I know you'd rather be impressed by my avant-garde use of the camera than have a decent view of the model!"

To mention In The Crack again: they do fall prey to this self-indulgence quite often, and give you many a dizzying, disorienting view of the model; but by and large they produce solo-model videos in exactly the way I like. I took more than 25 gigs of video from them on my first go and there is no music at all, virtually no blather from the cameraman, little-to-no talk from the model, but plenty of aural stimulation via ambient room sounds and the various sounds the girl is generating. Not to mention tremendously private physical, even scatalogical, sounds.

I have good speakers and can be something of an audiophile when it comes to watching video: not just porn, but all sorts of stuff. I love the sound of tires on gravel, for example, the tink-tink of cups and saucers, etcetera. The sounds of a woman's clothing, her shoes on a hardwood floor, the tinkle of her jewelry***, all those things have a certain quality about them that I enjoy, over and above sexual titillation. Most importantly: it adds to the fantasy of actually being in her presence. A music tracks destroys all of that.

Bear in mind I'm judging these kinds of videos not as works of art but as vehicles for the vicarious experience of being in the presence of a woman. I can see how coupling a beautiful woman with good music could be a wonderful thing, if it's done well. But coupling a beautiful woman with synthesized tecnho-drivel is an insult to the woman.

I've noticed that plenty of sites are leaning more and more toward silent, no-talking, no-music formats for solo strip vids: In the Crack, Panty Amateur, Boob Study, Rub My Boob, Springtime Beauties, and others I can't recall at the moment. I imagine there must be a few people who share my opinions on this.

**Edit: I forgot to mention the sound of pantyhose being hiked up a gorgeous bit of leg: now who would prefer elevator music to that??? You know what I hate the most about selfish people? It's that they don't think enough about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Edited on Oct 21, 2009, 11:24pm (WeeWillyWinky: prey not pray)

10-22-09  03:16pm - 5337 days #11
turboshaft (0)
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I have to agree with pretty much everyone here (sorry, jd1961) and say that I am not a fan of the music either. Really, how many times have we already heard those excessively cheesy soundtrack intros and outros? Now we have to sit through a whole video of cheese and sleaze? No thank you.

Non-diegetic sound (sound from outside the world of the story) may work in a Hollywood epic, but I have yet to see a Kubrick or Spielberg of porn -- though I am sure "A Clockwork Orange" could translate well to porn. Anyways, I like it when porn stays with the natural soundtrack; the model(s) and her/their actions, and that's it!

Unfortunately in the modern porn world where everybody is turning to gonzo there is way too much interaction with the cameramen. Now whoever is onscreen has to compete with whoever is off-screen, and the results are never pleasant: the cameraman and the crew panting, joking, whispering, and just generally expressing their douche baggery while the attention should be what is in front of the camera. Add to this all the dogs barking, sirens wailing, and all the other background noises and the music track is almost necessary.

InTheCrack is probably the best example of restraint when it comes to off screen interference. The cameramen rarely speak, and the few times when they do I am surprised they just haven't edited it out. But still, so little talking and no music make for some highly enjoyable videos, and I wish other sites would take the hint. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

10-25-09  05:05pm - 5334 days #12
jd1961 (0)
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I'm a big fan of cheesy 1970's porno film soundtracks.
I guess it's my upbringing.

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